Saturday, March 08, 2014

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 08Mar2014

Last Saturday was really great, but this one, not so much. I guess it's a lot more "luck of the draw" (who happens by and when) than one would wish.

But, oddly, we made a new record for this season in tips. Lots of people tipping, but hardly anyone stopping to actually listen. Weird.

When I decided to learn the hit song from the movie "Frozen", I figured I'd learn the "pop version" since it tends to be more playable, and sometimes the words are re-done to be less movie-specific. (The pop version of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" has all new lyrics except for the title line.)

Helping her find "Let It Go"
So I listened to the pop version of "Let It Go", and specifically did *not* listen to the movie version so I wouldn't confuse myself. And I've been playing the pop version for a couple of weeks to great response, but confusingly little singing along.

In retrospect, now I know why. When "Let It Go" came on the Academy Awards show, I realized how different the movie version is from the pop version I've been playing. Wow – no wonder nobody sings along, they don't know these words!

So I threw out my previous version and learned the movie one, despite the danger of messing up my mind. The movie version is also, as expected, harder to pull off as one guy with a guitar, but it's worth it. I worked on it all morning, and managed to play it mostly right. I think it'll get an even better response now.

Had a rough start to the evening, though. When I got all the way down there, I found that I'd forgotten the battery that makes the vocals possible. (That one battery pack runs the harmony box, and the wireless receivers for the mic and guitar. I can live without the harmony box, and can just use a cable for the guitar, but the wireless mic is the only one I have.) So I played acoustic-only (Ouch) while Geneva drove it down to me. This is why you have children: so they can take care of you in your old age.

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