Saturday, March 22, 2014

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 22Mar2014

Kinda gloomy weather, so although lots of people smiled on their way past, we didn't get anything really going until about 9:00. (We did get started late, 'cuz I forgot the accessory battery again. But at least now I've figured out what change in my routine is causing it, and it won't happen again. Probably.)

Anyway, we got a few people to stop, and I gave them song lists, and they requested stuff, and other people stopped to see what was up, and that stopped even more people until we had quite a party going on for a while there. I just kind of "went around the room" and everyone was taking their turn making requests. I think I need more copies of the list.

One guy and his wife stayed a long time, and asked for quite a few songs. Finally he came up and asked me if I ever played for other people and their original songs. Um, no. I guess he wanted me to learn his songs and play them so he could record them. I told him I wouldn't have time to do anything like that. Nor inclination, but I kept that to myself..

At one point some young girls sat and listened for a long time, and finally got up to leave, but as they got across the street I fired up "Over the Rainbow". I guess they like that song 'cuz they made a sudden U-turn and came right back and sat down for it. *Then* they left.

I was playing what I thought would be my last song when some college kids came by and started dancing to it. And then they wanted more dance songs, so I fired up "Mister Postman", and they danced up a storm.

But the best part was during the big party, one guy was totally thrilled to find "Please Come to Boston" on the list and excitedly asked me to play it. I did, and there's a part where it says, "I still need to lean to somebody I can sing to", and he yelled out "You can sing to *me*!"

1 comment:

Warren Allen said...

Good times...!