Saturday, October 05, 2013

Keith at Mission Viejo Farmer's Market -- Saturday, 05Oct2013

The Farmer's Market is actually shrinking -- even fewer booths than before. But I guess that's not my problem, as long as I'm getting paid...

Since I'd just been there two weeks prior, and mostly there's only the people working in the booths, I felt like I should try to play some different stuff. One song that I seldom play, but lately seems to attract people when I do play it by request, is "American Pie". I fired it up, and almost immediately two families came right over. The moms were trying to get the kids to dance, and singing along on the chorus ('cuz, how can you not?). I've been avoiding it 'cuz it's such a cliché, but with a few verses removed so it's not so darn long, it's consistently a big hit on the streets. I'm gonna have to play it more, and maybe even put it on the Request List.

The little girl in one of the families that I "captured" was telling me all kinds of stuff, but mainly demanding and endless string of "One more!" even though her mom was trying to get her to her haircut appointment. Such a cutie!

This blog post. Let me read you it.

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