Tuesday, October 29, 2013

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Tuesday, 29Oct2013

Well this'll probably be my last Tuesday for a while -- it was completely dead. Of course, in a few weeks, we'll cross over Thanksgiving, and it should pick up again as people come down for Christmas shopping. That's my theory, at least...

But since there was nobody there, we got to play a bunch of songs that I never pull up when there's better, or more practiced, songs to play. And I'd learned two (or three) new Simon & Garfunkel songs. The first one was Mrs. Robinson, which I'd learned before, but the guitar part eluded me (and still does, but I'm getting nearer), and it just sounded flat without the vocal harmony. Now with the box, it sounds pretty good.

The second one was "Hazy Shade of Winter", which I've always loved, but again, never sounded right without the harmony. Now it sounds great, and after I discovered adding a "rhythm track" by stomping my foot-tambourine up and down to get a Ching-Chee pattern on the down and upstrokes, it sounds *terrific*. And it's an aerobic workout...

The third one, kinda, is "59th Street Bridge Song", better known as "Feelin' Groovy". It's really easy to play, and the essence of its cheesy time, so it's embarrassing to play, but I thought it might be nice to have "in the quiver" so to speak, in case the right circumstance comes along.

We did have some fun when Mikey the Greeter came by. I'd heard that he's been frequenting the karaoke night at a local bar, and his favorite song to do is "Like a Rolling Stone", with customized Laguna-specific improvisations. So I learned the chords and put it in my Book, and since there was nobody around anyway, it seemed like a perfect chance to let him sing it and see how it went. I put my head mic on him and let him go for it, but he's not very musical, and can't "feel" the gaps between vocal lines without the karaoke monitor showing him his place, so it was a challenge to try to skip forward in the chords to keep up with him.

He had a great time, though, and thanked me profusely for letting him do that.

At the end of the night, we had two dollars in the jar -- one for me and one for Warren. A new record low, obviously. First time the tips didn't even cover the parking meter...

Click 'Play' to hear the "podcast version". (Fair warning: it's really just me ramblin' on about this gig for 5 minutes.)

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