Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Tuesday, 08Oct2013

Another very dead Tuesday evening. I think I may have to give up on Tuesdays for a while and maybe give it another try after Thanksgiving when I can play Christmas songs and there may be some people out shopping in the little stores along Forest Avenue.

Neither the German nor Chinese people who had promised on Saturday to come back to see me again actually showed up, of course. Fortunately, I had sweet little aging hippie Robin come by and stay for almost the whole night. She loves my stuff, and unfailingly reminds me that she has my CD at home. I tried to play other songs that I'm working on or that were at least different from what she's heard before, but she eventually complained that she likes "Original Keith" better, meaning, I guess, that she wanted me to play the songs from the CD. I guess James Taylor has that same problem with "Fire and Rain"...

There were two families come by with little girls, so I played some kids' songs and gave out some finger lights. A little while later a man came up and asked me if I "had any more of those". I fished a few out, presumably for his (unseen) kids, and then he asked me "How much are they?" Unclear on the concept. I'm not really there to sell toys, though that might be a thing that would work. Not sure the cops would like the idea, though.

I ended up with 20 bucks in the jar, 10 times less than Saturday night just three days prior. I think the numbers may be trying to tell me something: "Don't quit your day job."

Click 'Play' if you've got 4 minutes to spare listenin' to me ramblin' on about this gig.

1 comment:

John Johnson said...

Notice: This bench is closed due the federal government shutdown. We apologize for any inconvenience.