Saturday, October 05, 2013

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 05Oct2013

Since Warren is in Italy, I knew that he and Jim wouldn't be at The Corner, and although I'd already played two hours at the Farmer's Market at lunchtime, it was Saturday, so I went down. And I got there at 5:00 to make sure nobody else was already there.

Of course it was slow at first, but it got a *lot* better, and I ended up playing over six hours until it was finally dead enough to quit. And by then I pretty much *had* to quit because my fretting hand was starting to cramp up.

I had a young couple sit and listen to several songs, so I gave them a List, and noticed their German accents when they requested some songs. After a while they came over and asked me if I was going to be there again "this week". I usually go down on Tuesdays, so I told them so, and they said that they'd be back.

Then some crazy vacationing girls came by (with their boyfriends) and were singing along briefly, but they had to get to a dinner reservation.

Later on, some well-dressed Chinese people came by, and started requesting songs. The ladies got more and more involved until they were hooting and hollering, and competing with each other for the next request. And as the ladies were enjoying themselves, the men kept coming up and putting money in the jar, again and again. Sweet!

When they finally had to go, they came up to take a bunch of pictures with me, and asked if I was going to be back there again. So I told them that I'd be there on Tuesday, too. I guess I'm committed to Tuesday!

Then about 10:00, the crazy girls were back, crazier than ever. They came up and were singing (poorly, but enthusiastically), and their craziness caught on with the people on the bench 'cuz before long I had 8 or 10 people standing all around me, singing away (and yet more standing back, watching the fun). I actually have a "Sing-Alongs" section in the book, but I very seldom have a need to invoke it. We did "Hey Jude", "Sweet Caroline", "Mister Postman", and I can't remember what all else.

And even after they left, the party atmosphere lingered, so I kept playing. One appreciative guy told me that I must be "The Psychic Musician" because I "always know what song to play". I think that it may be more likely that I've been doing this for a while, but thanks.

Anyway, I had a great time and scored an all-time record tips night at $210. That's better than I've ever done at Spectrum (and without the $50 "setup fee")!

Click 'Play' if you've got 7 minutes to spare listenin' to me ramblin' on about this gig.

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