Sunday, October 20, 2013

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Sunday, 20Oct2013

It was a really nice Sunday afternoon (and sunset!), so I went down to play. Not a lot of people out, though, except a nice Muslim family. The matriarch wanted to hear "anything by Cat Stevens". I've seen this before -- I guess now that he's famously and extremely Muslim, they all like to hear music by somebody on the home team. Suits me, I like his stuff.

Unfortunately, around 7:45, the homeless people started to show up. One nice young engaged couple was there (I wish they wouldn't monopolize the whole bench storing their camping gear, though). After a while, a belligerent tough guy appeared, and started facing off with the boyfriend. He must have said something unforgivable about the girlfriend, 'cuz as he walked away, the boyfriend tackled him from behind, slamming him up against the metal box that holds the traffic signal electronics.

I was in the middle of "Hallelujah", and tried to keep going for a while, but as the tourists scattered and some other guys tried to pull the combatants apart, I gave up and decided that the song, and the evening, was over. I packed up to get out of there as fast as possible, but it takes a while, and by the time I was able to roll away, it was all over. I guess I could have resumed, but the corner was now empty, and the magic was kinda gone...

Click 'Play' to hear the "podcast version" (it's really just me ramblin' on about this gig). (3 minutes)


John Johnson said...

Gotta be careful with those Leonard Cohen songs,
They got a reputation for starting brawls.

Jim Robbins said...

Your situation reminds me of the time we were playing in Ft. Worth at The White Elephant and two guys broke out into a fight over a young lady ... we just kept playing though because they were way in the back and the Security guys took it outside before our song was over ... Wow ... Music doesn't always soothe the savage beast , it brings out the beast in us men-folk ! Maybe you should wear some chicken coop wire all over your body and no more Leonard Cohen trouble making songs !