Anyway, he stayed for a long time (and left $20 in the jar, more apology), but even without him we had a constant stream of people come by for music and/or ice cream. Indeed, I wanted to try out a new song, but didn't have a "nobody's here" moment to do so until around 9:00.

Anyway, I'm learning it all phonetically since I don't speak Japanese, but I know roughly what words mean what, and I've heard a *lot* of spoken Japanese so I hope my accent won't be *too* bad. Of course, the other trick is recognizing when some Asian tourists are Japanese as opposed to Chinese, or Korean, etc. But though I don't speak them, I can tell the languages apart, so if I hear them talking...
When I did finally try out a few verses, it turned out that somebody *was* listening, 'cuz a lady came up a few songs later and asked "Was that 'Sukiyaki' you played a while ago? My dad had that 45!", and put some money in the jar. I guess it's a hit already!
We had lots of people stay around, and although it was a work night, the new batteries I bought let us play until 9:45. I sold out of the 4 CDs I brought (I know, I know, bring more!), and we made $84 in tips, a new record, I think. There was one couple who listened for a long time, and finally got up to leave, only to come on back across the crosswalk and sit back down when I fired up "Homeward Bound". Sometimes it's like a superpower...
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