Saturday, June 15, 2013

Keith at Fete de la Musique, Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 15June2013

Well, in inverse to the Downey version of this, that I thought would be terrible but turned out to be great...

Last year this event was pretty fun. But this year was the worst experience I've had in Laguna. There were many more bands (38, up from 28 last year), so I was way too close to a very loud Flamenco guitar guy (with jazzy and very loud backing tracks), and a kind of folkie jug band. The Flamenco guy was so loud that people could hear him when they were in front of me, and they all just breezed on by. Either his music was way more fun/good/cool than mine, or people are fickle and just wanted to sample everything. Let's go with the latter explanation...

But either way, it was certainly the antidote to the swelled head I got from the show in Downey last week!

You can catch 14 seconds of me playing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" (and Jim & Warren, and the Flamenco Guy) in this video from the local on-line "newspaper".

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