Saturday, March 21, 2015

K&W in Laguna Beach -- Saturday, 21Mar2015

I went down at 8:00 to get "in line", but just before I got there, Tom texted Warren to tell him that they weren't there anyway. Wish he'd'a said so earlier...

Pretty great night, though. Lots of people out, and we assembled several crowds and a couple of dance parties. One group came by and parked on the bench to listen for a spell while one of the ladies was nursing her baby. So I played softer songs, and then her husband mentioned that they were Alberta, Canada, so I offered to play "Four Strong Winds", but they'd never heard of it. C'mon people, it's by the most famous Canadian folk duet, and mentions Alberta by name! So we played it for them anyway.

The nursing mother decided she wanted a CD, so her husband came up and bought one. When the song ended I announced that I'd be happy to autograph the CD, and she said, "Oh, yes please!" A bunch of other people saw this and there was a sudden run on CDs, with autographs, like I've never seen before. I think I sold 7 CDs in that burst. Wow.

A little girl came by in an actual Elsa dress, so I played "Do You Want To Build a Snowman?" for her. Then, oddly, when offered the "Kids' Menu", she chose "Kiss the Girl" from "Little Mermaid". And after that, since hardly anyone else was around, we had to do "Let It Go", of course. And then I did "Everything Is Awesome" from "The Lego Movie", just to give her big brother a little equal time.

A group came by that wanted to do some country dancing, so I fired up "Amie" from "Pure Prairie League". That went over big, and pretty soon we had a big dance party going.

Around 11:00, a couple came through and the girl danced her way across the corner and crosswalk, so I roped her in by starting up the irresistible "Mister Postman" whereupon she dragged her boyfriend back over to dance. That opened the floodgates, and by the end of the song, there had to be 10 or 12 people out of nowhere, half of them dancing. It really works, sometimes.

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