Sunday, March 15, 2015

Keith in Laguna Beach -- Sunday, 15Mar2015

It's still a couple of weeks before Spring Break, but I thought that the heat wave might make for a decent Sunday anyway, so I went down. I knew the Tommies would be there, so I arrived at 8:00, and had only played two songs on the Fingerhut side when Tom quit and I got to move over.

And it was pretty good -- not as many people as on a Saturday, but more relaxed and quiet, so kind of nice. I guess people were less in a hurry to get someplace.

Some young Beatle fans came by and wanted to dance. One of them was a big fan of the movie "Across the Universe", so I played the movie version of "I Want To Hold Your Hand", which makes it into a slow, intense, ballad. I don't usually play it because it's so Not The Right Way, but it gathered a big crowd. Maybe I should do it more often.

Part of that crowd was a couple of Persian guys who stayed long after everyone else cleared out, asking for more Beatles, Cat Stevens, and Simon & Garfunkel. They kept me playing until 11:15, and took a card after asking if I play parties.

I almost gave in to my tired/laziness and didn't go down at all, but I'm really glad I did.

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